Story Maps

These StoryMaps reflect the cascading hazards and environmental justice issues in Buzzard Point. We chose this medium to portray this information because it is a way to communicate research results in a way that is digestible and easily shared. As a value, this and all of our research artifacts are made publicly available and offered for use by anyone in the Buzzard Point community, or working with people in the community.

Buzzard Point – DC – Perspectives and Policy looks at a combination of research on environmental hazards, urban heat effect, health impacts and resident perspectives to create a clear picture of how life for some people in Buzzard Point is challenged on a daily basis. ~ With special thanks to Prof. Randall Amster, Prof. Erik Wood, Anthony Duan, Dora Szegedy, and the students from Environmental Sciences Spring 2022

Missed Opportunities – One aspect of Buzzard Point and the larger areas of Wards 6, 7& 8 of Washington DC is the number of school aged people living in these areas. In addition to environmental issues, the digital divide presents yet another challenge to young people in the community. In this map, we examine the causes and consequences. You can learn more about this work at ~ Credit: Anthony Duan

Buzzard Point Demographics and Air Quality – One of the ongoing concerns that both residents and researchers working in the community shared with us is air quality, particularly around the construction and cement plants in the neighborhood. This map puts Buzzard Point demographics and air quality in focus. The Buzzard Point boundary is outlined to show the exact borders of the area. One can also see that the only publicly available information on air quality in the area lies outside of Buzzard Point boundaries. ~ Credit Dora Szegedy